Thursday, February 10, 2011

Friday, Mysore February 11 Beyers

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Mysore February 11 Beyer

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A few picks for tomorrows races:

Spanish Crown (1-6)
Fantabulous Prince (5-12)
Lyra (7-10) & SuperSha (7-12)
Suave (8-4)
Royal View (9-6) & Eona (9-4)

Please watch race time betting trends on the above picks.

Good Luck


  1. Hi Shashi,

    Excel sheet please...

    With Regards,
    Kumar --- bangalore

  2. Kumar, as i've mentioned before, i wont be posting excel sheets anymore. if you insist, please mail me on


  3. sir send bengaluru and clacutta sheets please

  4. sir,
    thank you for your good work, it is a very powerful handicapping tool.

    however i have a query, do you consider pn readings, false rails, change of equipment ie steel shoe or aluminium shoe while working out these ratings.

  5. Anon,

    Pn readings are considered, false rails are irrelevant in Beyers. however, pace handicapping will be incorporated in the days to come. change of equipment is a variable factor which cannot be considered because the improvement of the horse can be noticed only after that run. this would reflect in subsequent time the horse runs. if there is a change in equipment, we can assume the horse would improve, digress but its difficult to add/subtract points to the precision that these numbers are made. i hope this clarifies.


  6. sir,

    thanks for the clarification, pls keep up your work
